Technology continues to make life easier. Everything, from shopping to social connect, to digitizing the cable network, has been done to provide the factor of convenience. With the advent of technology, transferring money in the form of cash, cheque, demand drafts, or money orders, may seem like ancient and useless methods. These methods are far less popular when compared to faster electronic methods for transferring money between accounts, states and even across borders. But the cheapest method of transfer still varies from person to person depending on their circumstances and their ability to afford the cost.
Unfortunately, when it comes to transfer of money through phones and other advanced digital options, convenience comes with potential risks. There is a need to protect funds and personal information by being aware of the drawbacks to such methods and the security issues that entail them. There is an abundance of hacking and cloning methods, and tools, that are not very difficult to get hold of.
To prevent people from falling victim to these risks, fintech corporations have come up with the concept where you can encrypt your assets to send them safely to another user, without being bound by excessive regulations and through a completely legal process. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency system that makes use of peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange platforms, is normally decentralized and facilitates the capability of processing digital transactions. The currency holders maintain virtual wallets which can hold such transactions.
Cryptocurrencies have been in existence for quite some time, but were not properly acknowledged. In the present scenario of digital advancements and evolution of money transfers, the process and concept of cryptocurrency has come into limelight. They have generated the tremendous amount of attention as well as controversies after they started being used as a convenient alternative to the world’s leading currencies like the US dollar, the Euro, and commodity assets such as gold and silver. These currencies are quite comparable to those of real money that can be used in purchasing products and obtaining services. Their flexibility allows them to be used for buying automobiles to buying a cup of coffee.
LALA World is introducing an Ecosystem for the underbanked population by harnessing the power of Ethereum & Hyperledger blockchains and bridging the gap between real and crypto world. It is a new-age one-stop wallet based service that, with the help of tokens based on Ethereum’s technology, provides financial inclusion to the underbanked population of the world as well as allows investors to capitalize on the rise of blockchain technology. By creating a whole new P2P infrastructure, LALA aims to revolutionize the way individuals, small businesses and entrepreneurs transact, make payments, borrow, lend, and conduct other basic financial services.
The LALA World Ecosystem is a complete financial ecosystem that consists of 5 major products;
- LALA Transfer 2. LALA BillPay 3. LALA Lends 4. LALA ID 5. LALA Card
LALA Transfer is a Peer-to-Peer local and global remittance that can hold fiat as well as cryptocurrencies. It is an essential service required for migrants working abroad who send money home to their dependents. LALA Bill Pay is designed to be a local and international utility, which facilitates any bill payments via country-specific partners for both Crypto and Fiat currencies.
LALA Bill Pay can process bill payments at the push of a button. This is being facilitated by building partnerships and cooperation with local government agencies.
LALA Lends is a borrowing & lending service that provides the money-lending facility in the form of digital currency, with EMI’s. It provides Peer-to-Peer and EMI based lending for small business and micro-entrepreneurial projects.
LALA Card, a virtual and/or physical debit card (and in time to come credit card), is synced to the LALA Wallet and ensures that you have easy access to your assets. It will be usable at millions of PoS globally.
LALA Wallet will be your single point access to all financial services in the LALA World ecosystem based on your global identity – LALA ID.
LALA ID will be able to consolidate all physical and digital identity into a single secure & private ambient identity, pointing to a secured trusted dataset about the individual, thereby enabling easily individualized interactions in the physical and digital world across multiple vertical applications and complement existing identity solutions.